The Coding Disappointment

Welcome to My Blog!

Written: April 30, 2017Reading Time: 1 minute

XKCD - Code Quality

Welcome! I decided to start this personal little blog to post my various coding adventures and mishaps, as well as any random tidbits from my life. Hopefully, the posts here won’t make you feel like the name of this blog is right, although I do have a feeling a few of the posts I have or will post may do it.

Please do share your thoughts and opinions on anything I post and feel free to contact me as long as it doesn’t disappoint. I may occasionally steal and share certain memes and posts that catch my eye from places like Reddit (Just kidding, I’ll make sure to link the source). Don’t expect my blog posts to always make sense, in both structure as well as story (just like this one :P). Feel free to complain about that too.

This Jekyll bootstrap blog took a little longer than I expected to set up. The default packaged themes provided were terribly outdated. Luckily, they are up-to-date on GitHub, so a simple download and switch to the current theme (which I personally like the most among the choices for this bootstrap), and a bit of fiddling around to get my blog pages just how I want them, and voila! An initial blog I’m pretty OK with. Good thing I decided to do this right during my exams.

I do plan to figure out the theme API for this bootstrap and create my own theme for the blog at one point. Hopefully, I’ll actually get around to doing it soon. I might also change the structure a little bit more and add and remove things here and there to keep things just the way I want them to be.

I hope I won’t regret this later on in life. For now I guess I’ll just have to enjoy the ride and hope for the best. Wish me luck!

XKCD - Future Self

Written by Sabarna Chakravarty
I develop stuff that interests me, I eat a lot, I weeb a little.
